On 16 Jan 2010, at 11:17, George Barwood wrote:

To correct my statement, the following query shows that glue records may be signed

dig soa se @a.ns.se + dnssec

No it doesn't. The name servers for .se are authoritative for the address records for *.ns.se. And ns.se isn't delegated either. The A and AAAA records for *.ns.se in this response are not glue. They would be glue if they were in a referral response from a server for .se's parent.

The question then is "is the additional RRSIG data useful" ?

My answer is "probably not".

So authoritative servers shouldn't volunteer helpful/relevant data in the Additional Section of a response, should they? If the server's got additional data that might benefit the client -- like an A or AAAA record for a hostname in the RDATA of an answer -- it makes sense for the server to include it provided there's room for that data in the response. That also applies to any RRSIG(s) over that additional data, assuming of course the client had set the DO bit.
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