On 23/03/2010 21:42:58:, "Fredrik Ljunggren" <fred...@kirei.se> wrote:


This draft was adopted by the working group at the meeting in Hiroshima.
Since then there has been very limited feedback on the document. A handful
of people volunteered to review the draft, and I encourage them and others
with interest in this to read and provide any feedback they may have.

This update contains mainly editorial changes which are not material.


  -- Fredrik

(No hat)

I have now gone through the -01 draft in some detail. There are a number of minor nits that I have passed to the authors directly. Most of the comments below concern the concepts section (section 3):

* Section 3.1 talks about a DPS, and 3.2 the relationship between a DNSSEC Signing Policy and a Practice Statement. I think that the idea of a Signing Policy should be explained before discussing the relationship between the two.

* Section 3.2 discusses when a DPS's terms have a binding effect as a contract. IANAL, but is it wise to give what could be construed as legal advice in a draft? (The same goes for the much of section 4.8).

* I found section 3.3 (which talks about sets of provisions) confusing. It makes the the whole thing more difficult to understand and seems to be unnecessary. Wouldn't it be easier to say that a Practice Statement will address one or more signing policies, and may include information that is relevant to DNSSEC operations but not a requirement of any policy? Then retitle section 4 as something like "Suggested Contents of a DNSSEC Practice Statement".

* Is there a need to prove possession of a private key (4.3.5)? A DS record can be put in the parent zone without a corresponding KSK in the child; in these circumstances, how significant is it that the child can produce the KSK?

* Some of elements in physical controls section (4.4.1), and in the disaster recovery section (4.4.5), though necessary, are probably already in a separate disaster recovery plan for the installation. The DPS only need make a reference to it.

Overall, I think it is a useful document; writing a signing policy and practice statement before the introduction of DNSSEC will help to focus the mind on getting things right first time.


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