

Shortly before the cutt-off I submitted version 3.

In this mail I want to raise a number of points that are up for discussion in 
Maastricht (or on the list). For the Maastricht meeting I plan to use _no_ 
slides but go through the points one by one and discuss/hum etc. 

The document can be found at:

And the diffs between this and the previous version are highlighted here:

Based on the feedback during last IETF I've tried to differ the tone of the 

The general approach is that the document gives the considerations and 
motivations for different operational choices and has weakened some of its 
earlier recommendations. Specifically the arguments for splitting key and zone 
signing key or using a 'single type signing scheme' have had some attention.

One general comment, when you review please do not review for style/typos quite 
yet. I've received a set of corrections that I've already applied on the 
trunk[*]. Please review for content now and wait for typos and other editorial 
nits review till version 4 appeared.

- Point 1: 
Is the set of arguments presented for major operational choices (e.g. single 
versus ksk-zsk split, and key effectivity period) complete and are the 
arguments fairly represented?

Addressing all these arguments and considerations has created a fairly long 
document. In fact the choice has been to make the document comprehensive in 
presenting the considerations while not giving strong recommendations one way 
or another. This causes the document to be rather long and raises the question 
of the target audience.

Also see: 

- Point 2: 
Should this document try to give strong recommendations or should a separate 
document (set) be made that gives recommendations for certain operational 
environments (e.g. BCP for root, BCP for TLD, BCP for enterprise)? I am looking 
for specific guidance but as a straw man for consensus: This document should 
not give strong recommendations but provide comprehensive arguments (like it 
does now); development of recommendations is left for later, either in a follow 
up (RFC4641bis-bis) or as a set of separate documents)

-Point 3: 
There have also been some questions about what audience the document is trying 
to address. 

The document is targeted to the 'the authoritative side of the DNS equation'. 
Is that indeed what the WG wants? If so is that clear enough from the document. 
(Please send concrete suggestions to improve if not).

If there is consensus that the document talks to the authoritative side then 
the chairs may want to ask the question as to whether there a need for separate 
guidance for resolver operators, and maybe even ask for volunteers ;-)

The following points are more detailed.

-Point 4:

Version 3 of the document has tried to address these issues (pending a 
conclusion of point 3 above) but in order to close this issue I would like to 
know whether "the document [is] in any way restrictive on not using 5011, or is 
its consideration for advising RFC5011 to strong?" Silence on this point will 
be taken as finding the right balance.

-Point 5: 
Text added in 4.4.2, is this text satisfactory  

The paragraph talks about a Maximum signature validity and Minimum validity 
period in fairly broad terms. It also provides motivations for differentiating 
Signature Validity periods for different RRsets in a zone, those motivations 
are few and week.

Again, is this section complete in providing arguments and are the arguments 
fair? If not, what are concrete recommendations for improvement.

- Point 6

Is Appendix B useful? Or drop it?

- Point 7
Any objections on closing the following:
- http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/rfc4641bis/trunk/open-issues/Key_algorithm_roll

- http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/rfc4641bis/trunk/open-issues/ZSK-roll-frequency
(take a look at 3.1.1.  Motivations for the KSK and ZSK Separation, the last 


During the authoring of versions 2 and 3 of the document the first issues have 
been addressed. 
The differentiation between trustanchor-parent situation has been taken into 
account but not as drastically as Paul suggested.

I believe this issue can be closed after review of version 3 of the document.



- http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/rfc4641bis/trunk/open-issues/rollover_assumptions

I think this issue has become obsolete.

Since some of these issues are hard to relate to version 3 of the draft I would 
like to take the following approach for version 4 of the I-D: mark all above 
issues as completed, unless I receive further clarification on why I shouldn't 
(possibly with suggested text), open new issues relative to version 3 of the 
draft, address those in version 4. 

My target is to have version 4 of the document last call ready. That is all 
major issues out of the way, and only nit-fixing.

I am aware of a number of editorial nits[*]


[*] See http://www.secret-wg.org/draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis.txt for a snapshot 
of the living document and http://tiny.cc/6sllt
for the difference between the living document and the draft version 3 as it 
lives in the repository.


Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                       Science Park 140, 
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

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