Hi Jim,

On 2010-11-21, at 17:56, Jim Reid wrote:

> On 21 Nov 2010, at 22:20, Patrik Fältström wrote:
>> Noone is asking strong enough to get correct data from the whois service. 
>> Instead, ICANN is asking to have the whois protocol available, and on top of 
>> that money is spent on anonymous registration (2nd hand registration) etc.
>> So as long as that is what people ask for, you will not see iris.
> I'm not sure anyone is actually asking for the current horror story that is 
> whois. We've just hit a stalemate in this trench warfare where no progress 
> can ever be made because everyone has settled for the status quo: the least 
> worst option that the majority of players will grudgingly accept.

A few people interested in this general subject area met in Beijing and 
discussed a RESTful XML schema for the data commonly served by whois. This 
style of answer has also been deployed by ARIN, e.g. see 

At a high level it seems like it shares the benefits of syntactic constraints 
on registry data seen in EPP and IRIS, but simplifies the transport and query 
syntax to something modern and easy to code against.

I mention this just because it seems to be active work, not because I have 
money on any particular horse, if indeed this is a race (if it is, it's not a 
very exciting one :-)

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