On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:30 PM, "Doug Barton" <do...@dougbarton.us> wrote:

>> I think there's a need for IETF to document why any other value than 1 is a 
>> Bad Idea, and more to the point, why it will break things.    The problem 
>> isn't entirely specific to hosts with multiple interfaces.  But given that 
>> using multiple interfaces makes the problem worse, MIF might want to take on 
>> some of the work of documenting why it will break things.
> That seems to be an opinion of yours that isn't widely shared.

The fact that many of us are tired of this interminable rathole and want it to 
stop is not an indication that we agree with you, Doug. Consensus is not, or at 
least should not be, determined by counting the number of email messages for 
and against. 
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