On Jan 29, 2014, at 7:47 AM, Ralf Weber <d...@fl1ger.de> wrote:

> Where shall this stop?

>From my earlier message:

> There is a huge, easily-identifiable difference between adding a token 
> *before* the application process that started in 2012 and then later asking 
> for a hold-back, and adding it *after*.

All names in draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds were in widespread use 
before the application process. If someone wants to start using a new TLD now, 
they know where to go ask for it.

> I also don't think there are risks in delegation these other than
> the applicants will get lots of traffic.

Others disagree. ICANN has documented many scenarios where there are security 
problems when what was earlier expected to either get local resolution or an 
NXDOMAIN starts getting real answers.

--Paul Hoffman
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