* Phillip Hallam-Baker:

> But first, cite actual legal authority because I don't believe your
> interpretation of the law is remotely correct.

§ 8 Abs. 3 TKÜV:

| Wenn der Verpflichtete die ihm zur Übermittlung anvertraute
| Telekommunikation netzseitig durch technische Maßnahmen gegen
| unbefugte Kenntnisnahme schützt, hat er die von ihm für diese
| Telekommunikation angewendeten Schutzvorkehrungen bei der an dem
| Übergabepunkt bereitzustellenden Überwachungskopie aufzuheben. […]

| If the obligated party [the organization to which these rules apply]
| uses technical measures at the network layer to protect submitted
| communications against unauthorized disclosure, it shall revert the
| protections on these communications for the surveillance copy
| provided at the handover interface.

U.S. law is similar (47 U.S. Code § 1002 (b) (3), if that citation is

| A telecommunications carrier shall not be responsible for
| decrypting, or ensuring the government’s ability to decrypt, any
| communication encrypted by a subscriber or customer, unless the
| encryption was provided by the carrier and the carrier possesses the
| information necessary to decrypt the communication.

If your ordinary resolver operator is a "carrier" is somewhat
questionable, but resolver operators generally comply with requests
for cleartext copies of traffic transitioning through their networks.

I have no doubts that these operators will ask implementors to add the
necessary features to keep these capabilities—or they will just turn
on indiscriminate query logging.

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