You would be insane to publish varient DS records with edns-client-subnet
to the public as there is no requirement for clients to use the
same address to lookup DS records as they use to lookup DNSKEY
records.  Similarly for DNSKEY or RRSIGs based on DNSKEYs which are
varient based on edns-client-subnet.

Using different DNSKEY's is problematic with just the internal /
external version of zones.  Similarly signed vs unsigned versions
of the same zone.

When we (ISC) get problem reports about signed external / unsigned
internal the standard response is "sign all versions of the zone".

When we (ISC) get asked about what keys to use we recommend using
the same keys for both internal and external zones.  Now there are
highly controlled environments where you can have differing keys but
you also have to publish alternate trust anchors, you can't have
machines jumping from inside to outside without flushing caches and
adjusting trust anchor sets.  etc.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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