On 21 May 2014, at 11:15, Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> wrote:

> Any opinions on SVCINFO[0]. I was really big fan of SRV until I read the
> draft, it made really compelling arguments to me.

It looks interesting.

I had a long conversation last night with Martin Thomson, editor of the 
HTTP/2.0 draft and now employed at Mozilla.

I've made him aware of the update to Mark's HTTP SRV draft, but there appears 
to be a problem that SVCINFO addresses that SRV doesn't, namely declaration (or 
discovery) of which version of the protocol is supported by the endpoint.

Given that the CNAME at the Apex problem appears to be mostly (entirely?) an 
HTTP-related problem, it seems to me we ought to be engaging more with HTTPbis 
to help them come up with a solution that's mutually acceptable and doesn't 
involve breaking DNSSEC.


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