In message <>, "Mark Delany"
> On 24Jul14, Kevin Darcy allegedly wrote:
> > So, if the TTL on the record were higher than the queue-expire setting 
> > of the MTA, wouldn't the *intelligent* strategy be to promote the 
> > tempfail to a permfail?
> Most SMTP clients use a DNS cache so they have no idea what the
> original TTL is.
> Even if they could see the auth TTL you'd have to worry about domains
> that just happen to have very large TTLs in place today for whatever
> reason. How do you differentiate those domains?
> As far as standardizing such an idea, I'd hazard a guess that the IETF
> would not look kindly on encoding semantics into TTL values. Your
> rationale for this approach would need to be pretty compelling.
> > I've never written an MTA, but it seems like an 
> > obvious optimization to me.
> It's surprising how hard it is to get the TTL out of most DNS client
> libraries. None of the gethostby* family return it. Even fancy
> libraries like c-ares are hit and miss with making the TTL available
> for different RR types.
> And of course the whole thing implies changing every SMTP client on
> the planet to recognize these large TTLs. That's a bit of work.
> All in all it's hard to see what this approach achieves compared to
> nullmx which works today with no code changes and does not require any
> special interpretation of DNS data. and :: are orthognal to MX 0 .

        One means "I am a host, I exist, but I don't know my/have
        a address" presumably because it is offline, the other means
        "There is no SMTP service for this domain".  One is temp
        fail for SMTP, the other is a permanent fail.

> Mark.
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