Registration is now open for the 2014 Workshop on DNS Future Root
Service Architecture (2014 WDFRSA)

> Location: Hong Kong, HK
> Venue: The Mira Hotel (Kowloon district)
> Date: December 8-9, 2014
> Hosted by: ISOC-HK
> Sponsors: ZDNS/BII and CNNIC
> Co-chairs: Warren Kumari and Paul Vixie

This two day workshop will focus on the DNS root service architecture issues 
raised by two current Internet Drafts:

   Decreasing Access Time to Root Servers by Running One on Loopback
   W. Kumari, Ed.; P. Hoffman

   How to scale the DNS root system?
   Xiaodong Lee; Paul Vixie; Zhiwei Yan

At the time of this writing the DNS serves more than two billion people and 
more than five billion connected devices, with more to come due to expected 
growth in mobile, in Things, and in new connected users. The DNS root service 
architecture still resembles the way it was when there were just a few hundred 
hosts thirty years ago, although it is now more widely distributed.

Reachability of the DNS root zone content by a diverse collective of
recursive DNS servers is a vital go/no-go condition for all Internet
traffic. Extended outages which isolate a network from DNS root zone
content are effectively complete outages for that network, making access
to the DNS root zone information a vital enabler for human discourse and

We wish to make root zone content as reachable and as resilient as it can be 
made without risking complexity collapse. Two extant proposals involve changes 
to RDNS configuration, and possibly also changes to routing, to addressing, and 
to root zone metadata. These proposals do not conflict with each other, but the 
operational results of deploying each would be quite different.

After the workshop, the various proponents will have new information to include 
in their proposals, and there will be a greater understanding of the various 
points of agreement and disagreement about how the community can move forwards.

--- Agenda:


0900-0910: Welcome from ISOC-HK (local host)
0910-0915: Welcome from ZDNS/BII (sponsor)
0915-0920: Welcome from CNNIC (sponsor)
0920-0930: Logistics and late agenda changes (co-chairs)
0930-0945: Current problem statement (co-chairs)
0945-1030: Decreasing Access Time to Root Servers by Running One on Loopback 
(W. Kumari, P. Hoffman)
        (present current draft, field questions and objections, propose text or 
logic revisions)
1030-1100: Break (coffee)
1100-1145: How to scale the DNS root system? (X. Li, P. Vixie)
        (present current draft, field questions and objections, propose text or 
logic revisions) 
1145-1230: Open discussion of the two drafts, with expected refinements to the 
problem statement
1230-1400: Lunch (hosted)
1400-1430: Testbed for IPv6-only DNS development (Dr. Linjian Song, BII Lab)
1430-1500: Evolution of DNS root zone operation and management (Dr. Declan Ma, 
1500-1530: AS112 as an example of unowned anycast at scale (B. Manning, 
P.Vixie, J. Abley, W. Maton)
1530-1700: Open (proposals welcome, workshop participants to decide in the 
1700-1900: (unscheduled private time)
1900-2200: Dinner (hosted)


0900-0930: Summary of day 1, closed issues, opened issues (co-chairs)
0930-1030: Summary of changes to text of Internet Drafts accepted during 
1030-1100: Break (coffee)
1100-1230: Open (proposals welcome, workshop participants to decide in the 
1230-1400: Lunch (hosted)

--- Workshop Logistics:

Travel support including round trip coach air fare, taxi fare, meals,
and a room at the venue hotel (The Mira Hotel, Kowloon district, Hong
Kong) will be offered to participating root name server operators,
authors of each of the two Internet Drafts to be discussed, and IETF
DNSOP Working Group co-chairs. The workshop will also be open to any
interested party, and every effort will be made to both stream and store
all presentations (via YouTube). There is no cost for attending the
workshop. Pre-registration is required.

Information on how to register and on the proposed agenda will be sent
shortly to this same distribution. For travel planning purposes, the
meeting will run all day on December 8, with a social event that
evening, and for half a day on December 9, finishing immediately after
lunchtime. Participants are invited to submit proposals for several open
slots, with final selection to be made during the workshop itself.

To register for this workshop, please e-mail to the co-chairs:
    Warren Kumari <>, Paul Vixie <>
...indicating your primary affiliation (root server operator, DNSOP WG
co-chair, draft co-author, interested party), and your needs (if any)
regarding travel support to attend the workshop. Note that to qualify
for travel support you must room at the venue hotel, using our
reservation code. If you wish to propose a topic for one of the open
agenda slots, you may do so at any time, up to and including the moment
of the workshop itself.

We have a room block at venue hotel. To reserve a room in this block,
visit the URL shown below:

Warren Kumari
Paul Vixie
DNSOP mailing list

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