what is the url for workshop registration?


> On Nov 13, 2014, at 11:14 PM, Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:
> Registration is now open for the 2014 Workshop on DNS Future Root Service 
> Architecture (2014 WDFRSA)
> > Location: Hong Kong, HK
> > Venue: The Mira Hotel (Kowloon district)
> > Date: December 8-9, 2014
> > Hosted by: ISOC-HK
> > Sponsors: ZDNS/BII and CNNIC
> > Co-chairs: Warren Kumari and Paul Vixie
> This two day workshop will focus on the DNS root service architecture issues 
> raised by two current Internet Drafts:
> 1. 
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-wkumari-dnsop-root-loopback-01.txt
>    Decreasing Access Time to Root Servers by Running One on Loopback
>    W. Kumari, Ed.; P. Hoffman
> 2. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-lee-dnsop-scalingroot-00
>    How to scale the DNS root system?
>    Xiaodong Lee; Paul Vixie; Zhiwei Yan
>  At the time of this writing the DNS serves more than two billion people and 
> more than five billion connected devices, with more to come due to expected 
> growth in mobile, in Things, and in new connected users. The DNS root service 
> architecture still resembles the way it was when there were just a few 
> hundred hosts thirty years ago, although it is now more widely distributed.
> Reachability of the DNS root zone content by a diverse collective of 
> recursive DNS servers is a vital go/no-go condition for all Internet traffic. 
> Extended outages which isolate a network from DNS root zone content are 
> effectively complete outages for that network, making access to the DNS root 
> zone information a vital enabler for human discourse and commerce.
> We wish to make root zone content as reachable and as resilient as it can be 
> made without risking complexity collapse. Two extant proposals involve 
> changes to RDNS configuration, and possibly also changes to routing, to 
> addressing, and to root zone metadata. These proposals do not conflict with 
> each other, but the operational results of deploying each would be quite 
> different.
> After the workshop, the various proponents will have new information to 
> include in their proposals, and there will be a greater understanding of the 
> various points of agreement and disagreement about how the community can move 
> forwards.
> --- Agenda:
> Monday:
> 0900-0910: Welcome from ISOC-HK (local host)
> 0910-0915: Welcome from ZDNS/BII (sponsor)
> 0915-0920: Welcome from CNNIC (sponsor)
> 0920-0930: Logistics and late agenda changes (co-chairs)
> 0930-0945: Current problem statement (co-chairs)
> 0945-1030: Decreasing Access Time to Root Servers by Running One on Loopback 
> (W. Kumari, P. Hoffman)
>       (present current draft, field questions and objections, propose text or 
> logic revisions)
> 1030-1100: Break (coffee)
> 1100-1145: How to scale the DNS root system? (X. Li, P. Vixie)
>       (present current draft, field questions and objections, propose text or 
> logic revisions) 
> 1145-1230: Open discussion of the two drafts, with expected refinements to 
> the problem statement
> 1230-1400: Lunch (hosted)
> 1400-1430: Testbed for IPv6-only DNS development (Dr. Linjian Song, BII Lab)
> 1430-1500: Evolution of DNS root zone operation and management (Dr. Declan 
> Ma, ZDNS Lab)
> 1500-1530: AS112 as an example of unowned anycast at scale (B. Manning, 
> P.Vixie, J. Abley, W. Maton)
> 1530-1700: Open (proposals welcome, workshop participants to decide in the 
> moment)
> 1700-1900: (unscheduled private time)
> 1900-2200: Dinner (hosted)
> Tuesday:
> 0900-0930: Summary of day 1, closed issues, opened issues (co-chairs)
> 0930-1030: Summary of changes to text of Internet Drafts accepted during 
> workshop
> 1030-1100: Break (coffee)
> 1100-1230: Open (proposals welcome, workshop participants to decide in the 
> moment)
> 1230-1400: Lunch (hosted)
> --- Workshop Logistics:
> Travel support including round trip coach air fare, taxi fare, meals, and a 
> room at the venue hotel (The Mira Hotel, Kowloon district, Hong Kong) will be 
> offered to participating root name server operators, authors of each of the 
> two Internet Drafts to be discussed, and IETF DNSOP Working Group co-chairs. 
> The workshop will also be open to any interested party, and every effort will 
> be made to both stream and store all presentations (via YouTube). There is no 
> cost for attending the workshop. Pre-registration is required.
> Information on how to register and on the proposed agenda will be sent 
> shortly to this same distribution. For travel planning purposes, the meeting 
> will run all day on December 8, with a social event that evening, and for 
> half a day on December 9, finishing immediately after lunchtime. Participants 
> are invited to submit proposals for several open slots, with final selection 
> to be made during the workshop itself.
> To register for this workshop, please e-mail to the co-chairs:
>     Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net>, Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org>
> ...indicating your primary affiliation (root server operator, DNSOP WG 
> co-chair, draft co-author, interested party), and your needs (if any) 
> regarding travel support to attend the workshop. Note that to qualify for 
> travel support you must room at the venue hotel, using our reservation code. 
> If you wish to propose a topic for one of the open agenda slots, you may do 
> so at any time, up to and including the moment of the workshop itself.
> We have a room block at venue hotel. To reserve a room in this block, visit 
> the URL shown below:
> https://bookings.ihotelier.com/The-Mira-Hong-Kong/bookings.jsp?hotelID=85171&groupID=1333820
> -- 
> Warren Kumari
> Paul Vixie
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