On 25 Mar 2015, at 11:02, Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:

> are you sure? because if a server is going to close connections prematurely, 
> it may do so based on instantaneous load spikes, such as the number of active 
> connections reaching 80% of quota, where the premature closure is designed to 
> avoid connection overload rather than signalling actual connection overload. 
> if in the UDP case we would respond to an unanswered query by repeating the 
> same query to the same server, then in the TCP case we might want to do 
> likewise.
> it could also be that the traditional UDP retry mechanism is seriously 
> flawed, and that even in that case we should move on to the next server, and 
> only return to the timed-out server if all other servers also time out.
> this bears discussion.

Yes, it does :)

> if 100% of the installed base had not at one time in the history of DNS 
> behaved that way, i could agree. but because the specification's guidance is 
> demonstrably light in this area, is there any harm in extending that guidance 
> -- "for the avoidance of confusion or doubt” ?

That’s fair - I guess it wouldn’t do any harm.

>>> but since we must also guide the initiator to not leave a tcp session idle,
>> We must?
> perhaps you've got me procmailed. see below:

No, I saw those.  I just didn’t agree with the conclusion :p

I will however re-read those messages and see whether my position changes.


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