In your previous mail you wrote:

>  i believe that the last of the old-style initiators who treated
>  premature closure by the responder as an urgent condition warranting a
>  message to the console or the system log file have diminished to the
>  level of noise, but that the change francis is asking for here, along
>  with the clarification i'm asking for above as to non-idleness, along
>  with a clarification to the effect that initiators SHOULD NOT treat
>  premature closure by the responder as an urgent condition, reaches the
>  level of "protocol change" not "clarification".

=> so we should not allow servers to use a too small timeout, i.e.,
we have to propose a value of some seconds. BTW this should be enough
for the only standard case of idling which is the SOA + xXFR (the
initiator just checks the serial in the returned SOA is greater).

>  since i know of stub resolvers (which i wrote and which saw wide distributio
>  n) which treat premature closure by the responder as an urgent condition, i 
>  believe that a recommendation that this not be done is now necessary, and i 
>  also believe that such a recommendation constitutes, as francis claims here,
>   a protocol change. 

=> we are in strong agreement about this point.


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