On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote:

> ...
> I would also support (as I have heard others say before, and as I think I
> have also said) a separate document that provides advice to anybody else
> planning to deploy code that uses a DNS-like namespace that is not the DNS.
> Such people should either make their names unambiguously different from
> those used in the DNS, or should anchor them somewhere else in the
> namespace where defensive registrations in the DNS are less contentious.
> For example, if the Tor project had used "onion.eff.org" instead of
> "onion", we would not be having this conversation. Making such guidance
> available would make it far easier to deal with the future possibility that
> a decision with "onion" would set an unfortunate precedent.
The "onion.eff.org" idea only solves half of the problems - it would
prevent others from using the domain for something else, but it fails to
provide the required privacy - part of the requirement is that the onion
names NOT be sent to DNS servers at all, for privacy.

Bob Harold
DNSOP mailing list

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