On 7/1/15, 14:26, "Richard Barnes" <r...@ipv.sx> wrote:

>We do our best work when we do engineering, not rule-making.  Let's
>engineer a solution here that's more appealing than squatting.  For my
>money, alt-TLD looks about right.

How does that help this:

>>>>>>On 7/1/15, 1:47, st...@i2pmail.org wrote:
>>>>>>> .onion and .i2p (and to my knowledge, the other proposed P2P-Names
>>>>>>> TLDs too) have to conform to DNS rules in order to be usable in
>>>>>>> applications that expect domain names.

Having a alt-TLD is fine.  But what if names are proposed, experimented
and deployed outside the sphere of influence of the IETF and/or working
group?  Writing this as someone who is unfamiliar with "other proposed
P2P-Names" efforts and whether they want to engage with "standards bodies"
before deploying.  I've gotten the impression that members of those
efforts dislike standards processes - I may be wrong but that's the
impression I've gotten from the discussion on this list.

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