On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 5:20 AM, <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp> wrote:

> Akira Kato and I submitted draft-fujiwara-dnsop-nsec-aggressiveuse-01.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-fujiwara-dnsop-nsec-aggressiveuse/
> ...

> --
> Kazunori Fujiwara, JPRS <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp>
> I am concerned that the "AN" flag allows for easy zone walking, defeating
the purpose of minimal range NSEC records.  So I don't think authoritative
servers would want to respect it.

I am also concerned that random subdomain queries will set the CD bit, if
that avoids aggressive negative caching.  So I would think that the CD bit
should not be allowed to stop aggressive negative caching.

Bob Harold
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