[Re-reading all emails...]

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 11:53:30AM -0700,
 神明達哉 <jin...@wide.ad.jp> wrote 
 a message of 62 lines which said:

> Regarding Section 5 (possible side effect on root servers), I wonder
> about the implication of qname-minimization (which I expect will be
> deployed much sooner than this proposal).  A resolver that supports
> qname-minimization would first send a query to "local." to the root
> server upon receiving a "foo.local" query, and cache the result of
> NXDOMAIN for "local.".  It will suppress subsequent external queries
> for any subdomain of it.

Yes. Qname minimization relies on the fact that resolvers follow the
tree structure of the DNS. If "toto." does not exist, it means
"foobar.toto." certainly does not exist and there is no point querying
any authoritative server about it, a resolver can send back NXDOMAIN

In ietf-dnsop-qname-minimisation-07, it is discussed in section 3.

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