Joe Abley wrote:
> On 30 Sep 2015, at 12:53, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> >I'll add the v4/v6 wording to the post-IESG-review draft unless there is
> >objection in the WG.
> I like the v4/v6 wording, for what that's worth.
> >John Levine just answered your question about why the address might
> >already be in use, which was something that was brought up in the early
> >discussion of this draft in the WG. It means that you can't run both this
> >and some other DNS-listening task on ::1, whereas you can run both on
> >different addresses in 127/8. We'll cover that in the new wording.
> Since a single operator controls both ends, there's no need to use a
> well-known port. If you can't bind to because something else is
> already listening there, use

Hi, Joe:

If I'm not mistaken, this would depend on the support in the recursive
implementation for sending queries to non- well-known ports.  Appendix B
gives an example Unbound configuration which supports this (you append
@<port> to the IP address), but AFAIK the example BIND configuration
only supports querying the "static-stub" servers on the well-known port.

Robert Edmonds

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