On 1 Oct 2015, at 1:08, Evan Hunt wrote:

The disadvantages of pick-one-RRset that I can see are 1) more
information leaked (but nothing that couldn't be obtained by sending
queries for individual qtypes anyway), and 2) modestly larger response
size (but still a lot better than unminimized ANY responses).

Perhaps both approaches should be described in the draft.

I think I've run out of reasons why the HINFO approach is better than your pick-one idea, which mainly leaves us with the HINFO approach feeling a lot like a dirty hack that makes me want to shower, while yours gets the job done without needing updates to 1035, assuming we feel comfortable with the assertion that ANY doesn't have to mean ALL in the context of an authority server. I like it quite a lot. Sorry again to have missed it when you first brought it up.

Olafur had a particular code-base in mind as motivation for documenting this, and he may have some perspectives that I have missed. On that note, I will take a few steps away from the microphone.


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