At Wed, 13 Jan 2016 10:13:42 +0000,
Tony Finch <> wrote:

> > - I wonder why its intended status is standards track.  It generally
> >   just talks about operational techniques rather than describe some
> >   new protocol, so a BCP seems to be more appropriate (in fact RFC2317
> >   is a BCP).  Perhaps it's because this document will "update" RFC2136?
> >   I'm not necessarily opposed to it, but just curious.
> Yes, it's because of the changes to UPDATE. (See the questions for
> reviewers in the appendices)

Ah, okay, I overlooked the appendix.

   RFC 2317 is BCP 20.  Should this document be moved to the standards
   track, since it updates RFC 2136?  Or should the UPDATE amendment be
   a separate document?

With this understanding I have two followup questions:

- If a document is marked as "Updates <Standards Track RFC>", does it
  automatically mean its status should be Standards Track, too?
- Does rfc2317bis really "update" RFC2136 in the first place?  It
  certainly provides some additional client behavior that uses
  RFC2136, but it doesn't seem to require any change to RFC2136 itself
  (am I overlooking something?).

> > - Section 8
> >
> >    Similarly, for its IPv6 network 2001:db8:A::/48, organization A again
> >    asks for a DNAME record, like this:
> >
> >   I'm not sure why 'a' in '2001:db8:A::' is upper-cased, but if
> >   there's not a strong reason for it I'd consider lower-casing it,
> >   applying the recommendation of RFC5952 (whose primary target is not
> >   literature like I-Ds or RFCs, but I think it's generally better to
> >   have consistent view in various textual representations of IPv6
> >   addresses).
> I have used "2001:db8:A::" for the same reason I used "A.example". Is it
> too cute?

I don't see the reason you used "A.example" either...but in any case
this is a minor point that is probably just a matter of taste, so if
you have a strong preference of this particular style I wouldn't

JINMEI, Tatuya

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