On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 02:41:02PM +0800,
 Z.W. Yan <y...@cnnic.cn> wrote 
 a message of 80 lines which said:

> A new draft about the operation of DNS cache service was just posted.
> https://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-liu-dnsop-dns-cache-00.txt
> This is an initial version and needs more details, so we welcome any DNS 
> operator who has interest to join in to make this work more comprehensive.

I've read it, noticed that it is not just a documentation of local
practices but it wants to be published as BCP, and:

* it is not clear which problem it is trying to solve.

* the whole idea of a "backup", long-term cache (section 3) is
  questionable and I do not find a rationale for it.

* it seems to recommend (section 4) that there is some manual
  selection of domains that must be cached (instead of the fully
  automatic system of the typical current cache), and, again, there is
  no rationale and no discussion.

* caching SERVFAIL, as recommended (section 4), raises an interesting
  question: for how long? (Unlike NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL answers do not
  provide an indirect TTL)

* if someone really wants to do "pre-fetching" (section 5), it does
  not require a new RFC or an update of the name servers. Just request
  the names you want, through the resolver/cache.

* prolonging the TTL (section 5) is a violation of the RFC
  protocol. Or a change but, in that case, it is no longer a BCP
  document, it updates RFC 1034 and 1035.

* the selection of the order of answers by "RTT detection" (section
  6)deserves more detail. RTT of what? ICMP echos to the address in
  the data part?

* the recomandation to filter data before returning it to the client
  (section 7) is a violation of infrastructure neutrality and
  certainly cannot be recommended without more explanations.

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