
RFC 7344 left out the problems of deletion and addition because they
were scary.

I think that the draft-ietf-dnsop-maintain-ds document is quite clear
about deleting DS records, and I think it makes sense.

However, in the case of adding DS records, to me the document is less of
a specification than a discussion about possible approaches to the
difficult issue of when to accept the CDS RRset. This discussion is not
necessarily a problem, because that's all we have today.

The reasons that I questioned whether this draft should result in a
standards-track document is because of the ambiguous and vague way that
DNSSEC is enabled with CDS/CDNSKEY.

I do think that RFC 7344 should be standards track.

To be clear, I'm not strongly opposed to standards track, but I am not
sure what it means to have a standards track document that doesn't
actually tell me how to inter-operate or even really how to do anything
concrete. (This might just be my IETF ignorance, I admit!)



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