In your letter dated Fri, 29 Apr 2016 14:26:27 +0200 you wrote:
>I see two simple solutions for that. You mention one ( DNS
>delegation), since, as you said, people who want to manage a mail
>server probably can manage a DNS zone.
>There is another one, apparently not mentioned by the draft but widely
>used in the VPS / dedicated server world: give the users a Web
>interface / API so they can add PTR themselves. After all, unlike what
>the current draft seems to imply, there is zero need to give a PTR to
>every thermostat or refrigerator in the house. You need PTR for a few
>machines only, such as the mail server. This can be delegated to the

Indeed. This second option is what my ISP is planning to do. Except that
they don't actually care about customers who need reverse DNS now.

But yes, manually adding a PTR is also a very good solution. Especially,
because it will be very hard for malware to automate that. Making it
hard for malware to send mail from a system with reverse DNS.

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