On Tue, 20 Dec 2016 22:10:20 -0500
Olafur Gudmundsson <o...@ogud.com> wrote:
> +1 
> I agree this is ugly as ugly can be but that ship has sailed. 
> For interoperability sake lets just publish this with a note that
> says something like this;
> This is documentation of fielded useful protocol.
> This is ugly protocol and it copying it is strongly discouraged. 
>     Olafur 

Seemingly, I am still the sole and only -1 although there are serious
concerns expressed by many about not only the ethics, but the eventual
rise of a non open and non free Internet and many other valid comments
speaking out against the direction this is leading and enabling.

I once made a very cool tool, it improved the life of many people as it
allowed anyone to take over any pc running a certain operating system
with the sole and great purpose of helping more users. It too was
published, improved, altered and distributed widely

RPZ is like that.

It solves a serious problem and helps and is in wide use.

Quite obviously this draft is going to be published. I hope that by
eventually speaking out I have caused some people to think about what
they are doing, whom they are enabling and what this will be used for.

I also hope that what Olafur Gudmundsson said, may be considered and I
am very much +1 for that.

Just to explain my strong reactions somewhat better:

Look at the email headers of my email, I am an African.

My concerns are real, they are valid. I am not just some troll or
whatever sitting somewhere in his mothers basement and thinking
up new ways of wasting your bits. I am a dev/sys/ops with decades of

Consider that the following is very possible:

RPZ will be legitimized by this draft, it will be used and living human
beings may actually die because of server software.

And, this is my final word on this, I apologize if anyone feels that I
have wasted their time or offended them in any way. This was never my



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