On 2/24/17, 12:00, "DNSOP on behalf of Evan Hunt" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org on 
behalf of e...@isc.org> wrote:

>    On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 11:40:26AM +0100, Matthäus Wander wrote:
>    > Do you mean clarifying as in "how it always was meant to be but stated
>    > in unclear words" or as in "change to protocol"?
>    I meant the former.  I wasn't involved, but I suspect that DNAME-first
>    was the intended behavior all along, and nobody thought to mention it.
>    However, if the group doesn't agree, then I guess I mean the latter.

I wasn't there either...but in general, whenever you want to "clarify" what was 
intended by stating it explicitly, someone somewhere will claim it is a change 
and not a clarification.  That was my experience with wild cards and to a 
lesser extent zone transfer (but someone else had and is why that document fell 
to me).

>    > In the latter case, you'd still need code to parse responses from
>    > implementations that don't make assumptions about the order of records.
>    What I'd like is to be able to send FORMERR with a clear conscience.

Given the lax rules of the field, I'd lean to saying you can't.

For DNSSEC this was a pain.  Because we couldn't outlaw round robin we had to 
sort the records in the set as it arrived.  All we could do was simplify the 
sorting comparison but not having to copy the data, sort, work, and dispose of 
the copy to retain the original ordering.  The copy came to be 100% wasted 
cycles as you had to retain the original order. 

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