Robert Edmonds wrote:
Paul Vixie wrote:
some of run our own rdns. some use vpn's. some use opendns or similar.

The internet now has billions of users. With the possible exception of
OpenDNS who have gone to admirable lengths to populate their knowledge
base with device-specific configuration instructions [0], I don't think
any of the choices you've listed are available to the "average enduser",
who almost by definition lacks the specialized technical knowledge
needed to select an alternative DNS resolution provider.

italy's experience in blocking unlicensed online gambling sites proved otherwise, as would would SOPA had it passed. any rDNS service that blocks lookups in a way that does not align with a user's interests, will not be used, other than to locate the nec'y bypass recipes. most of those recipes do not require deep technical knowledge.

a minute or so of searching turned up these:

also, there's an app for that:

foot-on-neck disease, and unilateralism in general, have never been practical where the internet was involved. humans are only sheep-like when presented with a politician's lies. if you try to take away their porn or gambling or $whatever, they will balk, and become thuggish.

P Vixie

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