No, sir. Closer means downward. Nobody believes otherwise. Not even you, or 
Joe. The only person ever to get it wrong was me, and I have recanted. Please 
do not write anything that blurs or softens the clear language of 
downwards-ness in 1034. If you can't keep the clear spirit and intent of the 
existing document then please write nothing at all.

On November 29, 2017 8:28:11 PM GMT+08:00, Andrew Sullivan 
<> wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 12:23:36PM +0000, P Vix wrote:
>> 1034 cannot be reasonably read that way.
>Sure it can.  See the discussion in draft-sullivan-dnsop-refer-down
>and on the list not two weeks ago for how.  I think it should _not_ be
>read that way, but an honest reader could read it that way, and the
>terminology document is not the place to rule on the way people should
>read a text.  We're supposed to be doing description, not prescription.
>Best regards,
>Andrew Sullivan
>DNSOP mailing list

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