andrew, et al, i see that the discussion continued overnight (i'm here in beijing) and i hope you can reach a consensus on the matter. here's my input to the terminology of referrals.


According to RFC 1034 section 4.3.2 step 3 substep B, a referral "happens when we encounter a node with NS RRs marking cuts along the bottom of a zone" and is constructed by copying "the NS RRs for the subzone into the authority section of the reply" and putting "whatever addresses are available into the additional section, using glue RRs if the addresses are not available from authoritative data or the cache." By this definition, an answer whose answer section is empty and whose authority section contains an NS RR set, is only a "referral" if the NS RRs refer to a subzone of an authority server's zone data.


in other words, we need not argue about what a supposedly reasonable person may be able to understand or misunderstand from the RFC 1034 text and then rephrase it in some way that may raise or lower the risk of misunderstanding, or change the results of understanding. all we need to is quote the actual 1034 text and hope that whatever supposedly reasonable person reads this document, will come to the same conclusions they came to when reading 1034.


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