Thanks Dick, this is very helpful suggestion and I’ll use it.

Ondřej Surý

> On 24 Mar 2018, at 00:06, Dick Franks <> wrote:
> On 23 March 2018 at 12:11, Ondřej Surý <> wrote:
> this is a first attempt to start reducing the load on DNS Implementors and 
> actually remove the stuff from DNS that’s not used and not needed anymore.
> I have no quarrel with the overall effect of this proposal, but the 
> justifications are necessarily different for each category identified in 
> RFC1035.
>           3.3.4. MD RDATA format (Obsolete)
>           3.3.5. MF RDATA format (Obsolete)
> These were already obsolete when RFC1035 was published and arguably should 
> never have appeared at all.
> If these have not already been deprecated somewhere else, there is no 
> plausible argument against doing so now. 
>           3.3.3. MB RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
>           3.3.6. MG RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
>           3.3.7. MINFO RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
>           3.3.8. MR RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
> After 30 years, it seem clear that the "experiment" produced little or 
> nothing of lasting value.  Plenty of word have been wasted in the past about 
> open-ended experiments and unpublished results.  Deprecating these RRTYPES 
> would put a formal end to the "experiment".  Any counter-argument needs to be 
> justified by evidence of continuing use in the global internet, and made by 
> the parties directly affected.  The "someone might be using it somewhere ..." 
> argument is far from convincing.
>           3.4.2. WKS RDATA format
> WKS is IPv4-specific, so the choice is ether to wait until IPv4 itself 
> becomes deprecated, or to dispose of it now in the same manner as MB, MG etc.
>           3.2.3. QTYPE values
> The intended meaning of MAILA is uncertain, but it is already declared by 
> RFC1035 to be obsolete.
> MAILB is a specific request for MB, MG, and MR records.
> Both should also be deprecated by this document.
> --DIck
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