Hi -

Joe Abley introduced draft-jabley-dnsop-bootstrap-validator [jabbootval] at the DNSOP session this past week.  I was the only (one of the few?) person who suggested that this was a bad idea. Later that week, we ran into each other in the bar and chatted for not long enough to sync, but long enough for him to get the gist of why I was thinking what I'm thinking.  I thought I'd try and get on the record my reasoning.

If you don't want to read this then consider this instead (my conclusion at the end):

So before we head off to Joe's draft or its ilk, I'd like to suggest to the chairs that we first review RFC4986 and see if there are changes to be made there.  If the environment has changed such that the requirements are changed, then a change in the way the root trust anchors are managed in validators *might* be in order.

These are all described from the point of view of a single resolver.  Assume that the text is written understanding that there are many ways a given resolver may manage their trust stores, but that this discussion is looking at no human in the loop after initial root of trust establishment.


 * Root of trust - the actual key from which trust may be traced.
 * DNS Root Trust anchor - the highest point in the DNS from which
   trust may be traced - usually the same as Root of trust, but not the
   case in the referenced draft

Proposition 1 (P1):  The initial selection of a root of trust (ROT) on behalf of a validator ALWAYS involves a human in the loop.  It may not be obvious which human(s), but it is always the case someone (not a computer) decided.  The selector may be the person configuring the validator or the set of people who compile the code with the validator, or linux distribution manager, but the initial selection always involves a judgement call of some sort by a human.  In many cases, this is a judgement call is based on external information (like widespread publication of the ROT information or multiple third party endorsements (e.g. reputation evaluation)).

[Note:  There are HITL both at the publication and validation points - this discussion concerns the validation points.  A human will almost always be involved on the publication side for invalidating, issuing and updating trust public keys.]

Proposition 2 (P2):  If you have an existing ROT, then you can replace/supercede the ROT information by doing the process for initial selection of a root of trust, or by extending the trust you already have in the current ROT and tracing the chain of trust from that ROT to a new trusted key.  Depending on the model, the new trusted key either becomes another link in the chain (a subsidiary trust point ), becomes an additional co-equal ROT (5011s model and transitory ICANN DNS Root model), or replaces the ROT (ICANN's steadys-state DNS Root model).

Proposition 3 (P3):  If you have an existing ROT, then you can replace/supercede subsidiary trust information by simply re-signing replacement information.  This is [jabbootval]'s model.  Note that the ROT of trust for DNS in [jabbootval] is no longer any of the DNS Root Trust Anchors, but the CA's key.

Corollary 1 (C1): If P3 is true, the mitigation of a compromised of a DNS Trust anchor under a CA ROT may be accomplished automatically with no need for a human in the loop at the validator side ([jabbootval]'s model).

Proposition 4 (P4):  The compromise of a singleton ROT (or more generally of all ROTs) leading to the "no trust" condition, requires repeating the "initial root of trust selection process". From the point of view of the validator, this is almost always a manual action either directly to the validator (manual configuration update, manual firmware update), or indirectly through a validators control point (e.g. pushed by a NOC).

Corollary 2 (C2): If P2 and P4 are true, and assuming there is more than one ROT, the compromise of a single ROT key does not NECESSARILY require repeating the initial root of trust selection process.   However, each validator will need to know the process for automatically invalidating the compromised ROT, and for replacing it in a trustworthy manner.  5011 specifies a process for doing trust anchor updates.  Most CAs do not.  However, see Russ Housley's https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-housley-hash-of-root-key-cert-extn/ - an extension for a CA to specify its NEXT public key as a possible approach for CAs.

Corollary 3 (C3): If P4, C1 and P1 are true, simply moving the ROT from the DNS Root Trust Anchor set to one or more CA ROTs does not mitigate against ROT compromise, it only moves the responsibility for mitigating the problem from the DNSSEC system to the CA system.

Corollary 4 (C4): If C3 and P3 are true, and the requirements from RFC4986 remain unchanged, then a change to a CA centric DNS Root of Trust will probably require a set of protocols and procedures to update the set of CA roots of trust in the validators.   That might be as simple as a firmware or config file update, but then begs the question of what triggers the updates? E.g. do we require a HITL to deal with cataclysmic failures (CA compromise?).


All of this is a long way of saying that TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.  We could push the ROT management out of the DNS space, but then we have other similar problems to solve to deal with the same set of risks and issues at the CA level or whereever.  Indirection doesn't solve problems, it just moves them.

So before we head off to Joe's draft or its ilk, I'd like to suggest to the chairs that we first review RFC4986 and see if there are changes to be made there.  If the environment has changed such that the requirements are changed, then a change in the way the root trust anchors are managed in validators *might* be in order.


ps - a question for extra credit:  If we change the DNS ROT to a CA or set of CAs, what does that do for the trust model for DANE?

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