Stephane, thanks for the comments.


On 7/6/2018 8:22 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 12:27:17PM +0200,
  Benno Overeinder <> wrote
  a message of 27 lines which said:

This starts a Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf

I've read -10 and it seems OK. It solves a real issue, and does it

Editorial: I would prefer all occurrences of "right-most" to be
replaced by "most general", to emphasize that it is not the position
which matters, it is the closeness to the root.

So let's start by making sure we're seeking the same goal: reader comprehension. While I can imagine there is phrasing that is better than right-most, to achieve that comprehension, I believe 'most general' isn't it. My impression has been that 'right-most' is the most common phrasing people have used over the years.

Editorial: 'that is they are the "top" of a DNS branch, under a
"parent" domain name.' I assume that "top" is used instead of "apex"
because the sentence does not always refer to the top of a zone?

'zone' is almost certainly not the term to apply here. While it encompasses a sub-tree, its boundary is not explicit in a domain name.

The DNS is a hierarchy. I would have though 'top of a sub-branch' was therefore clear, concise and accurate. Again, if there is other phrasing that is more established, we should use it. But I'm not used to seeing 'apex', though it's certainly a more erudite choice...


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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