On 7/6/2018 8:39 AM, Dave Crocker wrote:
Editorial: 'that is they are the "top" of a DNS branch, under a
"parent" domain name.' I assume that "top" is used instead of "apex"
because the sentence does not always refer to the top of a zone?

'zone' is almost certainly not the term to apply here.  While it encompasses a sub-tree, its boundary is not explicit in a domain name.

The DNS is a hierarchy.  I would have though 'top of a sub-branch' was therefore clear, concise and accurate.  Again, if there is other phrasing that is more established, we should use it.  But I'm not used to seeing 'apex', though it's certainly a more erudite choice...

I went back and looked at the terminology draft that is in last call. I assume that is where 'apex' came from.

However I'll claim that none of the language in that section of the document actually covers what is being described here, because this isn't about 'zones'...

FWIW, my sense is that the term zone has actually become quite ambiguous...

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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