> - It was not really clear exactly what kind of problem this digest
>    tries to solve, especially given that the primarily intended usage
>    is for the root zone, which is DNSSEC-signed with NSEC.

It puzzled me as well.

It is said in the document that diffferent from DNSSEC (and NSEC), the zone
digest is for the intergirty of unsigned NS and Glue of the zone. As I
asked in IETF102: why unsigned NS and glue is worth of protecting by
introducing a new RRtype, addtional complexity of degesting and validation.
Is it really necessary for local resolver(or local-root) aware the integity
of NS and glue?  any technical problems if the NS RR and glue are modified

As to the discussion of re-inventing the wheels, I mean If the problem
statement of zone digest is not a significance of worthing a heavey inband
approach, an lightweight and existing outband approch may be a first option
to consider.

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