On 17/09/2018 08:11, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

Since the main use case is "people with a domain name such as
example.com, who wants https://example.com/ to actually work, and who
hosts the stuff at a CDN where the IP address is wildly variable so
they cannot use A or AAAA records", I suggest that this use case is
better solved by using SRV records for HTTP. True, it seems
unrealistic that it will be specified and deployed but it is also the
case for the DNS "CNAME at apex" change.

We heard at the side meeting in Montreal that SRV doesn't meet the requirements, in part because it has features that are considered incompatible with the web origin model (i.e. the port field).

I do believe we need a new DNS type code that is designed in cooperation with the HTTP community and I've suggested as such on the http-srv mailing list, but so far there's little engagement.

There was a suggestion that the proposed ALT-SVC RR could be used, but IMHO it has significant issues that would need to be resolved first.


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