Mark Andrews wrote on 2019-02-14 14:13:
the fact that i have to hotwire my RDNS cache with local zone glue in order to 
reach my own servers when my comcast circuit is down or i can't currently reach 
the .SU authorities to learn where VIX.SU is, should not only concern, but also 
embarrass, all of us.

Having the local recursive server having a copy of the local zones was
always part of DNS’s deployment model.  Having authoritative servers not be
recursive servers is not the same as recursive servers not being
authoritative for some zones.

i didn't expect you to need the broader example. the narrow example where i can't find my own zones is trivial. it's when i can't find other services whose dns is authoritatively served within my isp or my region, because even though i have connectivity within that isp or that region, there is a political or physical connectivity break between that isp or that region and the rest of the world, for example, the servers for TLD's and 2LD's and 3LD's whose delegators are outside my connectivity.

One thing we missed when adding NOTIFY was adding a NOTIFY-ALSO RRset. In
named we work around this by having a also-notify clause in the zone’s
configuration clause.

that won't help. an authority server must have a protocol by which they can, at their own discretion, opportunistically invalidate prior answers, and which can be trusted by the RDNS servers hearing those invalidation messages.

DNS RRsets need two TTLs. 1) refresh after in case we need to update. 2) stop 
this result after.  With a little bit of EDNS negotiation both can be 
transmitted in
a response.

that won't help the case which is more common than connectivity splits, which is where the old data has become harmful (key compromised, server or network offline, emergency renumber or rehoming or rekeying required).

let's stop thinking of this as a root problem or a TLD problem. the metadata an RDNS will need to reach and trust servers it can reach, may be on the wrong side of a network partition. that includes the entire NS/DS and DNSKEY/RRSIG chain, plus A/AAAA glue. we need partial zone authority, like a mini-slave, where the RDNS has _subscribed_ to the content it is keeping, and has a potential trust relationship with the owner of that data. we can argue about whether it's like mini-IXFR in which case it can answer authoritatively for the partial data it has leased. but we should not be talking about second TTL's, or root-only solutions like 7706.


P Vixie

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