so, you would like the DNS to be resilient enough to "see" what was
topologically reachable and build a connected graph of those assets?  I
think that has been done, both academically and in a more limited way,
commercially, but its not called DNS so as not to upset the DNS mafia.  Or
do you want something more restrictive than that?


On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 4:05 PM Paul Vixie <> wrote:

> Evan Hunt wrote on 2019-02-14 15:56:
> > On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 01:57:14PM -0800, Paul Vixie wrote:
> >> indeed nothing which treats the root zone as special is worth
> >> pursuing, since many other things besides the root zone are also
> >> needed for correct operation during network partition events.
> >
> > This point is well taken, but sometimes the root zone is a useful
> > test case for innovations that might be more generically useful
> > later. It's relatively small, relatively static, *XFR accessible,
> > signed but uses NSEC not NSEC3, etc. It's pleasantly free of
> > annoyances.
> it's distraction value, where countries lacking root server _operators_
> of their own, feel diminished thereby, and where technology solutions
> that affect the root zone in some way, feel unduly relevant... makes it
> an _unuseful_ test case. recall that AAAA and DS came to every other
> zone in the DNS before it was grudgingly admitted into the root zone.
> we have to stop using the root zone as any kind of test case. it's not
> special and should be treated unspecially. any technology which focuses
> on it should be suspected immediately of "shiny object syndrome."
> > So, zone mirroring fell out of 7706, and I suspect it will
> > eventually have broader applications than just local root cache.
> nope. because it did not prototype any partial replication. i'm not
> going to mirror COM because i need it to reach FARSIGHTSECURITY.COM. we
> needed to focus on partial replication, and avoid any solution that
> would only work for small zones that changed infrequently, so as to
> avoid wasting years of opportunity on a solution that changed nothing
> and led nowhere.
> > I think some of the early work on aggressive negative caching was
> > root-specific as well.
> no. in fact, the opposite was true. the first ANC was OTWANC (off the
> wire ANC), which had to be specified as part of DLV, which was
> instigated in the first place principally because noone knew how many
> more years we'd have to wait before a DS RR could be placed into the
> root zone.
> > I wouldn't assume an idea is bad just because it's currently focused
> > on the root, it might not always be.
> for reasons stated above, there are _no_ counterexamples showing that a
> focus on root-specific technology ever did any good, and a plethora of
> examples where focus on root-specific technology did some lasting harm.
> therefore, our assumption of any root-specific proposal should be, until
> and unless proved otherwise on a case by case basis, that it's "shiny
> object syndrome", rather than a legitimate engineering exercise.
> --
> P Vixie
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