On 6/30/2021 6:28 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
I’d argue that there are a magnitude more resolvers

Yes.   Be pedantic! :-)   I said "recursive resolver" and I really mean caching recursive resolver as opposed to stub resolver.   Fair?    I may be behind times, but few if any stub resolvers were actually doing their own DNSSEC validation (e.g. sending a CD bit to their recursive resolver and getting back all of the DNSSEC related records).

  than browsers in the world.  There are lots of devices that have a resolver 
but don’t have a browser.  Think of all the smart light bulbs.  They all need 
to be able to update their trust anchors.  DNSSEC deployment is still in its 

I get what you mean, but I don't actually think many of the tiniest of IOT devices will have anything more than an unsecure way of looking up their back office system - and then using TLS or something else to verify the connection.    Their only CA trust anchor will be to their vendor to start with and then to whatever local manager takes over ownership.   I could be wrong, but DNS has its greatest strength where you get passed a lot of different names that need to be looked up, and that mostly doesn't describe the IOT side of things.

Later, Mike

On 1 Jul 2021, at 05:26, Michael StJohns <m...@nthpermutation.com> wrote:

Peter et al -

It might be useful to review RFC 4986 - 
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4986.html - Requirements Related to DNS 
Security Trust Anchor Rollover - to understand what the problem requirements 
were/are before resurrecting this discussion again.   If the requirements have 
changed, then perhaps we need a new solution, but we should probably update 
4986 before tossing 5011.

Peter -

WRT to your analogy to the CA system, I will note that browser clients (where the trust 
anchors are embedded for the CA) are not even close to being updated in the same manner 
as recursive resolvers (not simply "DNS clients") and many resolvers are used 
to provide services within various small and large organizations rather than being owned 
and updated by a single person.   For one thing, there are orders of magnitude more 
browers than there are resolvers.  For another,  resolvers are rarely updated 
automatically.   What would be interesting is to get some idea of the set of resolvers 
with no active management being performed on them - including software updates.


On 6/30/2021 2:59 PM, Peter van Dijk wrote:
Hello DNSOP,

I propose replacing rfc5011-security-considerations with a short document 
deprecating 5011 in its entirety. I am happy to write text for that, if there 
is an appetite - when the WG queue is small enough!
I see this ruffled some feathers. Here's a more nuanced version.

I feel that 5011, for the purpose of root key rollovers, is the wrong tool, 
-especially- combined with the trust anchor signaling that various resolver 
stacks sent to the root. Lack of clarity about where various signals came from, 
combined with some interesting bugs in implementations, has led to a lot of 
wild goose chases, and it would not surprise me (but I cannot prove) that bad 
data is what delayed the first roll for so long. Not actual problems predicted 
by the data; just bad data. (I have mentioned before that I think the trust 
anchor signalling was a mistake too, and any calls for 'more of this' are 
'calls for more bad data' and we do not need more bad data.)

I feel that the right mechanism for root key distribution is software 
distributors. This is working fine for the CA system, and with keys announced 
far enough in advance, should work fine for DNSSEC. Software distributors have 
solved this problem; they are very good at distributing things; I suggest we 
let them solve this for us.

rfc5011-security-considerations is a good document, and I apologise for 
targeting it unfairly - my problem with 5011 is as above. Given my next two 
point, it probably makes sense to publish rfc5011-security-considerations.

With heaps of 5011 'client' implementations out there, I am in no way proposing 
that root rolls happen in a way that that software could not follow along. I am 
only proposing that we write down that 5011 is not the best fit for the 
problem, and recommend against more client implementations of it *for the 
purpose of root key rolls*.

I think (can't find it right now) that somebody mentioned that 5011 has its 
place outside of the root key system, inside enterprises. I'm inclined to 
disagree, but do not feel entirely capable of judging that. If (again, when 
there's WG bandwidth) we draft a document about why 5011 is a bad fit for the 
root, perhaps somebody can contribute text about the level-of-fit for other use 

Kind regards,

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