On Nov 12, 2021, at 08:28, Masataka Ohta <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> 

> Kim Davies wrote:
>> Datatracker link: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-davies-int-historic/
>> It’s a short document, but at its heart we’ve identified the
>> following domains that are referenced in places but seem to be obsolete:
> That's fine. As the decision is made by IANA/ICANN, not IETF, it is
> appropriate that the intended status is not BCP but informational.

The operational decisions relating to these things have already been made, as I 
understand it -- the delegations no longer exist. Kim and Amanda's document 
seems to have two purposes: (1) to document this operational reality, and (2) 
to update protocol specifications to reflect that operational reality.

I don't see a conflict or expect a difficulty, but I don't think decisions 
relating to (2) lie solely with PTI; the IETF ought to have a hand in making 
them, which I think is what Kim and Amanda are trying to facilitate here.

Having said all that I think it's possible that the only domain under INT that 
has been implicated in standards-track documents is IP6.INT, and that was taken 
care of long ago. So I am not arguing with you about Informational, which is 
quite possibly the right thing.

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