Petr Špaček wrote on 2021-11-25 04:00:
On 25. 11. 21 9:33, Matthijs Mekking wrote:

3.1.  Best-practice for zone publishers


This section is IMHO missing a scary warning to explain the reasons. Let add one couple sentences (+ "extra" keyword to differentiate it from the implicit single iteration):

If NSEC3 must be used, then an extra iterations count of 0 SHOULD be used to alleviate computational burdens.

Please note that extra iteration counts other than 0 increase impact of resource CPU-exhausting DoS attacks, and also increase risk of interoperability problems.


On 24-11-2021 18:02, Wes Hardaker wrote:
    Title           : Guidance for NSEC3 parameter settings
    Filename        : draft-ietf-dnsop-nsec3-guidance-02.txt
    Pages           : 10
    Date            : 2021-11-24

I have an additional comment for section 2.4:
I believe that this property renders salt practically useless, so let me propose a modified section 2.4:

   NSEC3 records provide an an additional salt value, which can be combined with FQDN to influence the resulting hash, but properties of this extra salt are complicated.

   In the cryptography field, salts generally add a layer of protection against offline, stored dictionary attacks by combining the value to be hashed with a unique "salt" value. This prevents adversaries from building up and remembering a single dictionary of values that can translate a hash output back to the value that it derived from.

   In the case of DNS, the situation is different because the hashed names placed in NSEC3 records are always implicitly "salted" by hashing the fully-qualified domain name from each zone. Thus, no single pre-computed table works to speed up dictionary attacks against multiple target zones. An attacker is always required to compute a complete dictionary per zone, which is expensive in both storage and CPU time.

   To understand role of the additional NSEC3 salt field, we have to consider how a typical zone walking attack works. Typically the attack has two phases - online and offline. In the online phase, an attacker "walks the zone" by enumerating (almost) all hashes listed in NSEC3 records and storing them for offline cracking. Then in the offline phase, the attacker attempts to crack the underlying hash. In this case, the additional salt value can raise cost of the attack only if the salt value changes during the online phase of the attack. In other words, a additional salt value which is constant during the online phase of the attack does not change cost of the attack.

   Changing a zone's salt value requires the construction of a complete new NSEC3 chain.  This is true both when resigning the entire zone at once, or incrementally signing it in the background where the new salt is only activated once every name in the chain has been completed. As a result, re-salting a is very complex operation, with significant CPU time, memory, and bandwidth consumption. This makes very frequent re-salting unpractical, and renders the additional salt field almost useless.

   Operators are encouraged to forget the salt entirely by using a zero-length salt value instead (represented as a "-" in the presentation format).


I'm tempted to put the last paragraph first, because all the rest is justification and I don't want to drown the important piece of information in it.



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