On 25/11/2021 13.00, Petr Špaček wrote:
IMHO in the context of NSEC3 the salt would make sense _only_ if it were rotated faster than attacker was able to walk the zone. Once attacker has list of hashes available for offline cracking the salt does not do anything useful anymore.

I disagree; you don't need to rotate so fast.  At a moment when a particular salt won't be contained in future answers, there's no point in creating a dictionary anymore as it's cheaper to crack the gathered hashes individually.  The only value of dictionary is (possibly) speeding up attacks on names that will appear in future - and the only value in re-salting is in making this technique more expensive.  Resalting interval is the period when a particular dictionary is useful, so basically by halving the interval you double the price of this.  [all IMHO]


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