Hello Robert,

On Tue, 2021-11-30 at 11:51 -0500, Robert Edmonds wrote:
> If the goal is to avoid mandating extra code paths in typical
> authoritative servers

To me, this indeed is the goal.

> , I would suggest something like the following
> which narrowly answers only the questions asked in 6761 ("Are developers
> of authoritative domain name servers expected to make their
> implementations recognize these names as special and treat them
> differently?  If so, how?"):
> Original Text
> -------------
>    5.  Authoritative DNS Servers: Authoritative servers MUST respond to
>        queries for .onion with NXDOMAIN.
> Corrected Text
> --------------
>    5.  Authoritative DNS Servers: Authoritative servers SHOULD NOT
>        recognize .onion names as special and MUST NOT treat queries for
>        .onion names differently from other queries.

I like this.

> Splitting the "recognize ... treat" conjunction between "SHOULD NOT"
> and "MUST NOT" would, for instance, allow an authoritative server to
> log a warning message if an operator intentionally configured an
> "onion." zone in the server.
> A slight expansion of the text might read:
> Corrected Text
> --------------
>    5.  Authoritative DNS Servers: Authoritative servers SHOULD NOT
>        recognize .onion names as special and MUST NOT treat queries for
>        .onion names differently from other queries.  By default,
>        authoritative servers MUST NOT respond authoritatively to
>        queries for .onion names.

I like this even more.

> The "By default" qualifier covers the case of a non-default
> configuration (such as being configured to serve the root zone) where an
> authoritative server would need to respond authoritatively for .onion
> names.


Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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