
Sorry for the late reply, I was away from any keyboard for the past two weeks.

I think there might be a misunderstanding regarding the CNAME behavior, due to some poor wording in our draft: The CNAMEs should, of course, only be resolved in such a way, if the queried record was an A or AAAA record. This does not, to my understanding, contradict the behavior described for CNAMEs in RFC 1034. We propose a different wording for the first sentence in 5.1 to prevent such misunderstandings in the future:

    In the case of CNAME records in a DNS response to an A or AAAA record query, a DoC server SHOULD follow common DNS resolver behavior [RFC1034 <https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap-00.html#RFC1034>] by resolving a CNAME until the originally requested resource record type is reached.

Regarding the population of the additional section, we also follow recommendations in RFC 1034, to only include records useful to the client. We deem this particularly noteworthy when it comes to DNS, as from our analysis of DNS traffic, responses can become quite large due to an abundance of records in the Additional section. With the message size constraints in LLNs, it might thus be necessary to prune the DNS message for records actually useful to the querying DoC client.

Lastly, mind, that, at least in our model for DoC, a DoC client does not further distribute the information it gathered via DoC.


Am 06.09.22 um 17:06 schrieb Ben Schwartz:
Some further notes on this draft.

Section 5.1 says that a DoC server "SHOULD" follow CNAMEs. This is a misunderstanding of the nature of DNS transports. DoC is a DNS transport, like DoT and DoH.  The choice of transport is independent of the DNS server's answering behavior, which must not be modified by the transport. Indeed, DPRIVE is now chartered to enable the use of alternate transports for recursive-to-authoritative queries for which CNAME following has entirely different rules.  This is possible precisely because the choice of transport does not alter the logical DNS contents.

Section 5.1 also proposes that the population of the Additional section might follow different logic when using DoC.

Modifying the logical DNS behavior would create a wide range of exciting and unpredictable compatibility issues when trying to use a new transport.  I urge the authors to delete Section 5.1, which would resolve this problem.  The draft could instead note that the DNS queries and responses are not modified when using DoC, except under private arrangement between the client and server.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 12:20 PM Jaime Jiménez <ja...@iki.fi> wrote:

    Dear CoRE WG,

    Thanks to the authors and the reviewers that provided comments on
    the list for this draft. Given the in-room support and the list
    discussion during the WGA the chairs believe that there is
    sufficient support for the adoption of this document in CoRE.

    The authors are advised to resubmit the draft-core-dns-over-coap
    and to set up a document repo under the CoRE Github organization
    at https://github.com/core-wg


    Jaime Jiménez on behalf of the CoRE chairs.

    On 15.8.2022 11.26, Jaime Jiménez wrote:
    Dear CoRE WG,

    We would like to start the call for adoption on draft-lenders-dns-over-coap.
    The draft defines a protocol for sending DNS messages over secure CoAP 
(DTLS and/or OSCORE). The draft was discussed during IETF114 and on IETF113 and 
was well-received by the group.

    During the last IETF meeting there were no objections for adoption so we 
confirm this now on the mailing list. Please let us know if you support 
adopting this draft. As many people will still be on vacation, we the WGA call 
will last a couple of weeks, ending the/1st of September/.

    Note that DNSOP and DPRIVE are in the loop as the draft is relevant for 
their working groups too.

-- Jaime Jiménez

    core mailing list

-- Jaime Jiménez

    DNSOP mailing list

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