for what its worth I would like to chime in and support George’s 
view. The technique is NOT a lie per se. It's a stretch (well
its the opposite of “stretch” - its a “compression”) of the
intended contents of the denial of existence response, but it is not 
a lie as I see it. I would be far more comfortable as well
with Shumon’s “Compact Denial of Existence” as a more accurate
description of the technique.



> On 2 Mar 2023, at 9:40 am, George Michaelson <> wrote:
> My opposition is philosophical and practical.
> the philosophical part, is that this is a SIGNED ASSERTION by the zone
> authority. I don't think anything the zone authority says under a
> signature should be called a lie, because the basis of verification is
> that its exactly what was intended to be said about the state of the
> zone.
> its incoherent, its potentially confusing, it needs to be understood,
> sure. but I don't see this as a lie.
> the practical is that I think the IETF/OPS tendency to enjoy "puns"
> causes huge confusion outside the cognoscenti. The re-use of the word
> "peer" for instance has caused significant dismay to people in policy
> or finance space who don't understand that a BGP peer does not mean
> necessarily a peering zero-cost sum arrangement at layer 8 and 9
> (money). -If we use "lie" this freely, then when we want to
> distinguish these signed lies from the intermediary altering payload
> on-the-fly we're going to have a problem of comprehension.
> Having said that, I think I feel like a bit of a party pooper. What in
> Australia would be called a "wowser"
> It's not a big deal btw. I'm not going to go to the AD and complain
> about it or make a fuss at WGLC. I just think.. its the kind of
> language which may not be helpful in the longer term.
> cheers
> George
> On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 7:33 AM Shumon Huque <> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> We've posted a new draft describing the former "Black Lies" mechanism
>> for authenticated denial, now renamed as "Compact Lies".
>> We are hoping to discuss it here and at IETF116, and see if there is
>> interest in adopting the work and publishing it. We feel that it deserves a
>> stable published specification since it is now one of the dominant forms
>> of authenticated denial deployed amongst the commercial online signers
>> today (notably Cloudflare, NS1, and Amazon Route53).
>> The draft includes the NXDOMAIN/Empty Non-Terminal distinguisher
>> mechanism I described at IETF 111 ( 
>>  ) and currently implemented
>> by NS1.
>> Christian and I are currently discussing some tweaks to that mechanism
>> which we will broach in a separate email thread shortly. This thread can be
>> used for general comments on the topic of the draft.
>> George Michaelson, in private email to me, has expressed the view
>> that we shouldn't be calling these mechanisms "Lies" any more (I'm
>> sure he will elaborate if he is inclined). I'm personally okay with that, 
>> and if
>> there is agreement, we could just call this Compact Denial of Existence,
>> and discard the "Lies" meme.
>> Shumon
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