On Sat, May 6, 2023 at 19:10, Havard Eidnes <[h...@uninett.no](mailto:On Sat, 
May 6, 2023 at 19:10, Havard Eidnes <<a href=)> wrote:

> So, you're arguing that it would be "causing too much work"(?) for
> the registry to insist on having the registrant stand up a couple of
> public name servers to register the publically visible version of a
> domain? Really?

No. I'm predicting that finding agreement on the right technical criteria and 
appropriate actions will be difficult, and finding agreement on the policy side 
across many different policy regimes will be more difficult.

The difficulties I described were intended to illustrate that this is stuff is 
not necessarily easy, and that there are factors beyond the technical to think 
about. Whether it's too much work is a question for the working group, but I 
think it's a reasonable question.


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