Op 08-06-2023 om 11:59 schreef Benno Overeinder:

The authors and the chairs feel this document has reached the stage where it's ready for Working Group Last Call.

This starts a Working Group Last Call for: draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting.

Dear all,

I find this is a very valuable addition to the DNS protocol for zone owners and authoritative operators. It also opens up potential for valuable future extensions, such as for example dy-run DNSSEC example ;).

I have spend a few IETF hackathons on Proof of Concept implementations, and I can report that it is very straight-forward to implement. The draft PR for Unbound that emerged from those hackathons, is already almost the finished feature: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/unbound/pull/902 (still pending the EDNS0 opcode though!)

I have one nit.

In the Example in section 4.2., a request still "includes an empty ENDS0 report channel". The third paragraph of that same section states something similar: "As support for DNS error reporting was indicated by a empty EDNS0 report channel option in the request". But Section 6.1. Reporting Resolver Specification states: "The EDNS0 report channel option MUST NOT be included in queries."

I believe the text in the Example section is a left over from an earlier version and should be corrected.

Thanks to Roy, and all the other people who worked on this!

-- Willem

Current versions of the draft is available here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting/.

The Current Intended Status of this document is: Standards Track.

Please review the draft and offer relevant comments.
If this does not seem appropriate please speak out.
If someone feels the document is *not* ready for publication, please speak out with your reasons.
Supporting statements that the document is ready are also welcome.

This starts a two week Working Group Last Call process, and ends on: June 22nd, 2023.


-- Benno

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