>    An important thing we really should define is safeguards for
   loop prevention (eg, an EDNS0 hop-count limit or something like
>    rfc8586 which defines CDN-Loop). Doing this without Loop Prevention
>    is dangerous, at least based on experience with similar patterns
>    in the CDN world.  Even if we don't define the broader specification,
>    I'd be very interested in seeing standardization of loop prevention
>    in both recursive and authoritative forwarding setups.

Yes, it is a good idea to try to do something about loop prevention. It is not
clear to me how to do that in a way that fits DNS. Just putting in a list
of hostnames feels wrong, but maybe it is a good starting point.

>    There's lots of work that would be needed on this draft (I'm
>    not sure that the way TTLs are handled is the only way we might
>    want to define, as there may be other approaches).  Similarly,
>    it may make sense to allow ECS under certain circumstances (for
>    example, if DoT or DoQ is used from the forwarding proxy to the
>    origin authoritative).

Returning anything other than the original TTL may cause a lot of confusion.
But there may be many ways that a cache can be kept up-to-date. We have to
see which ones are expected to be common enough to be worth documenting.

I don't really know what ECS looks like from an authoritative point of view.
How is that kind of data distributed from a primary to secondaries?

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