> On Jan 31, 2024, at 5:57 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@icann.org> wrote:
>> As Mark just clarified. This isn't glue, so perhaps the text just needs
>> updating.
> The current text is:
> <t>If some root server addresses are omitted from the Additional section, 
> there is no expectation that the TC bit in the
> response will be set to 1. At the time that this document is written, many of 
> the
> root servers are not setting the TC bit when omitting addresses from the 
> Additional section.</t>
> <t>Note that <xref target="RFC9471"/> updates <xref target="RFC1035"/> with 
> respect to the use of the TC bit.
> It says "If message size constraints prevent the inclusion of all glue 
> records for in-domain name servers,
> the server must set the TC (Truncated) flag to inform the client that the 
> response is incomplete
> and that the client should use another transport to retrieve the full 
> response."</t>
> Maybe we should add to the second paragraph:
> Note, however, the root server addresses are not glue records, so setting the 
> TC bit in truncated responses from
> the root servers is not required by RFC 9471.
> Does this solve your and Warren's issues?

I have to confess that “root server addresses are not glue records” is a very 
subtle point that was lost on me, and
maybe lost on a lot of us, as evidenced by this discussion.

I’m not particularly comfortable with the terseness of the statement above.  
The terminology RFC doesn’t really help here because it doesn’t provide a 
definition of what glue is glue or what is not glue.  It just references 
semi-conflicting statements in other RFCs.  

So I think if 8109bis is going to make the statement that root server addresses 
are not glue, it deserves more explanation of why that is the case.

I also worry that it creates a new problem, which is what sort of truncation 
policy applies to a priming response?  If RFC 9471 does not apply, does RFC 
2181 Section 9 apply?  Is a priming response with zero root server IP addresses 


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