Hello Roy,

Thanks for coming back to my previous ballot. It took me a while to bring it 
back from the level-2 cache ;-)

I agree with you, the abstract is indeed clear.

About the "SHOULD" without any documented exceptions, it is really unusual to 
do so but nothing that dramatic tough. Anyway, please consider adding some 
exceptions to the SHOULD.

Thanks again for the work done.


On 14/02/2024, 01:36, "Roy Arends" <r...@dnss.ec <mailto:r...@dnss.ec>> wrote:

> On 12 Dec 2023, at 08:17, Éric Vyncke via Datatracker <nore...@ietf.org 
> <mailto:nore...@ietf.org>> wrote:
> Éric Vyncke has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting-07: Yes
> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
> introductory paragraph, however.)
> Please refer to 
> https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/handling-ballot-positions/ 
> <https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/handling-ballot-positions/>
> for more information about how to handle DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting/ 
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting/>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Éric Vyncke, INT AD, comments for draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting-07
> Thank you for the work put into this document.
> Please find below some non-blocking COMMENT points.
> Special thanks to Benno Overeinder for the shepherd's detailed write-up
> including the WG consensus *but it lacks* the justification of the intended
> status.
> Other thanks to Carlos Pignataro, the Internet directorate reviewer (at my
> request), please consider this int-dir review:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting-07-intdir-telechat-pignataro-2023-12-09/
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting-07-intdir-telechat-pignataro-2023-12-09/>
> (even if only nits were detected)
> Other thanks to James Gannon, the DNS directorate reviewer, please consider
> this int-dir review:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting-07-dnsdir-telechat-gannon-2023-12-10/
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-dnsop-dns-error-reporting-07-dnsdir-telechat-gannon-2023-12-10/>
> (and I have read the discussions about James' previous review)
> I hope that this review helps to improve the document,
> Regards,
> -éric
> # COMMENTS (non-blocking)
> ## Abstract
> I find it a little sad that this method is only applicable to DNSSEC (as there
> could possibly be other errors to be reported for plain DNS). Should this be
> mentioned in the abstract ?

The abstract clearly states “fail to resolve or validate due to a
misconfiguration or an attack”. It mentions “fail to resolve or validate” 

> In the same vein, should "resolve or" be removed from `that fail to resolve or
> validate` ?

Fail to resolve implies that there are other errors than those related to 
DNSSEC. That was the point.

> ## Section 6.1 & 6.3
> Suggest to give some hints when the SHOULD in the last paragraph can be
> bypassed.

I do not foresee when a SHOULD should be bypassed, however I find a MUST too 
stringent and prescriptive.

I can imagine that a monitoring agent is under such a load that it forfeits the 
option of sending a TC bit response in order to solicit TCP. Or it already has 
enough information about a failing domain that it doesn’t need another report 
to be re-send over TCP.

Hope this helps,


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