> On 14 Feb 2024, at 14:47, Edward Lewis <edward.le...@icann.org> wrote:
> I raise the key tag issue in the sense of "let's not do this again" and not 
> to try to change what it is now.  Clearly, changing it (to avoid collisions) 
> would be difficult.  And, given the relative rarity of any problem stemming 
> from it, not worth fixing at this point.  Just don't do it again.

I agree with Ed. [Shock! Horror!] The long tail of DNS implementations means 
retro-fixing this vulnerability will be awkward. Key tag collisions are 
unlikely to cause a major problem. So let’s not repeat this mistake/oversight 
in new protocol work and move on.

That said, I think a minor tweak to the core DNSSEC specs would be a good idea. 
For instance, whenever a validator comes across a key tag collision, it MUST 
stop validating and either return a hard error or an unvalidated response.

My concern here is a bad actor using key tag collisions to disrupt important 
validating resolver services. For some definition of important.

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